Based on the demands, personality and finanacial resources of the client combined with the creativity and experience of our specialists and with the help of state of the art technologies our company can execute the following works:
Interior and exterior design:
- Electric, thermal and sanitary circuits;
- House painting operations;
- Tile, faiance, marble, granite and rock mounting operations;
- Gypsum inner walls, fake ceilings and gypsum wall partition;
- Thermal insulation for buildings with polystirene or mineral wool;
- Decorative coatings.
Construction works:
- Terrain stabilising activities and foundation building;
- Manual or mechanised digging;
- Wooden shuttering operations;
- Foundation, underground basement, roofs, attics and terrace waterproofing;
- Concrete frames;
- Inner and outer stairs;
- Carpentry and wood carving operations;
- Roof framing and terraces;
- Supporting structure consolidation, extension and repair works;
- Concreting works, cutting and wooden shuttering operations;
- Reinforced concrete structures of a complex operation both under and overground;
- Metal structure mounting, metallic products mounting and manufacturing;
- Urban public works;
- Water services and drainage works.